Demonstrasi dan Edukasi Pijat Bayi dan Balita dalam Mendukung Tumbuh Kembang Yang Optimal
A baby's development and growth will be optimal if there is an interaction between genetics, behavior, environment and useful stimuli. Through stimulation, good touch and stimulation can help children reach their best condition or potential. One form of stimulation commonly used by parents for babies is tactile stimulation in the form of baby massage. Baby massage is usually called stimulus touch. Baby massage is very important for the baby's health, especially when done by the parents themselves because it can be interpreted as a comfortable touch of communication between mother and baby. So the role of parents is very much needed in giving massage to babies. But not all parents understand how to do baby massage correctly. Based on this background, the author is interested in carrying out community service regarding providing education and demonstrations of massage for babies and toddlers in supporting optimal growth and development for mothers who have babies and toddlers in Sumber Jaya Village, Bengkulu City in February 2024. There are as many participants as taking part in this activity. 25 people. The results obtained were that 100% of the participants who were invited to attend brought their babies and toddlers, but only 85% of the participants were able to take part in practicing baby massage directly on their babies because 15% of the participants had their babies cry, making mothers unable to participate in the activity optimally. Conclusion: This activity received a good response from the participants, the participants were enthusiastic in taking part in the activity, this was proven by the majority of participants actively asking questions during the educational presentation and the final result of this activity was that the participants admitted that they understood Correct and knew the benefits of baby massage and were able to carry out appropriate baby massage.
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