Refreshment and Assistance of Posyandu Cadres in Carrying Out Anthopometry Measurements as An Effort for Early Detection of Stunting in Kerobokan Village
Stunting or chronic malnutrition is another form of growth failure. Stunting can also occur before birth and is caused by very poor nutritional intake during pregnancy, very poor eating patterns, low quality food in line with the frequency of infections so that it can inhibit growth. One of the most popular direct nutritional status assessment methods that can be applied to populations with large sample sizes is anthropometry. Anthropometry as an indicator of nutritional status can be done by measuring several parameters, while a parameter is a single measure of human body size. In social life, Kader play an important role in the implementation of posyandu as an activity to monitor the nutritional status of toddlers. Kader in improving the health of toddlers need to have knowledge and skills in detecting the growth of babies and toddlers as well as nutritional status so that optimal growth is obtained. This training is given to cadres to increase knowledge and skills in detecting growth and nutritional status through measuring, filling in and reading growth charts in the Maternal and Child Health (KIA) book. It is hoped that this refreshment and mentoring can increase cadre competency.
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