Edukasi tentang Aktivitas Fisik Pencegahan Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) Program Germas di Dusun Ni'u Desa Panda Kecamatan Palibelo
This Community Service Activity was carried out in an effort to provide additional knowledge and understanding about physical activities to prevent Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) from the GERMAS Program which is located in Ni'u Hamlet, Panda Village, Palibelo District. Activities are carried out using lecture methods, demonstrations, questions and answers, and video screenings. At the beginning it is given (pre test) and at the end of the activity a final evaluation (post test) is held. This evaluation is measured based on participant activities during the activity. The aim of this PKM is to hope that the public knows and understands physical activity to prevent disease and is able to practice and apply physical activity to avoid non-communicable diseases (PTM) from the GERMAS Program. In general, it is hoped that this community service activity will attend and fully participate in the PKM activities being carried out. Apart from that, PKM implementers collaborate with Surya Mandiri Bima Midwifery Academy students who carry out Field Work Practice. Activities in an effort to channel skill competencies to develop Community Midwifery Care skills.
Profil Desa Panda 2017
Promosi Kesehatan, Kemenkes 2018
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