The Effect of Prenatal Massage on Reducing Back Pain in Third Trimester Pregnant Women in the UPTD Work Area of Abiansemal I Community Health Center
As many as 65% of pregnant women in Indonesia complain of back pain during pregnancy. The impact of lower back pain in pregnant women is that the mother will experience sleep disturbances which cause fatigue and discomfort in carrying out activities. Overcoming pain can be used by pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. One way to deal with lower back pain in pregnant women is with prenatal massage. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of prenatal massage on reducing back pain in third trimester pregnant women in the UPTD work area. Abiansemal I Community Health Center. The research method used was pre-experimental, one group pretest posttest design. The sample used was 30 third trimester pregnant women using purposive sampling technique. The observation sheet used is the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The data analysis technique used is the Paired Sample T-test.
There was a decrease in pain intensity between before and after being given prenatal massage. The results of the paired statistical test until the t-test obtained a p-value of 0.00 (<0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of providing prenatal massage on reducing the pain intensity of pregnant women in the third trimester in the UPTD area of the Abiansemal I Community Health Center. It is hoped that These results can provide information about the importance of prenatal massage for pregnant women to reduce back pain so that the pregnancy and birth process runs smoothly.
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